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   '22 Fine Art graduate from University of the Highlands and Islands, Outer Hebrides. My work is currently addressing a sense on belonging in this island environment, explored materially through the medium of ceramics and spatially with a layering of moving image and sound over sculpture.


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IN CLAY: The Exhibition, Upstairs At The Gatehouse, London


Tidselfeber, Tidselkorridoren, Samsø, Denmark




BA Degree Show, UHI Outer Hebrides, Scotland

2019 - 2022
2015 - 2016

BA(Hons) 1st Class in Fine Art

UHI Outer Hebrides, Scotland.

2013 - 2015

Foundation course/studio-based programme in Printmaking 

Aarhus Academy of Fine Arts, Denmark.

2010 - 2013

BA in Architecture

Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark. 


Preparatory programme in Architecture and Product

Scandinavian Design College, Denmark. 

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